We now have genuine PVC-free alternatives to the traditional products used in key applications. Our Future Banner textiles are more environmentally friendly both in manufacture and end-of-life solutions or disposal.
Traditional banner and mesh material is made from Polyester base fabric with Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) coating. Through our technical expertise of various polymers, base fabrics, manufacturing techniques, and finishing solutions, we have ensured our PVC-free alternative is just as versatile as existing products in the way they print, weld, their strength and are price-competitive.
A popular-selling product in our Future Banner range is the competitively priced, lightweight Frontlit product targeted for billboard application at 3.2m wide.
In the retail and display sector, we have several products that fit nicely and are available at 1.6m and 3.2m widths; This includes the Premium Frontlit which is UV and Latex printable, while also being weldable, and our two-side printable Blockout with ultra smooth surface and B1 FR.
Our coated Mesh is used on fences in both events and the construction sector. The large-scale printed advertising allows wind to pass through, and increases privacy while helping with dust containment.